
What is the role of an orthodontist?

Dental work amongst young people and adults has become increasingly common. Often people look at their influencers on social media and other media outlets and want to be able to have perfect looking teeth like them. Orthodontists are responsible for aligning and straightening crooked teeth. Almost everyone will have some form of natural misalignment in their teeth. If you feel that you want to correct the misalignment in your teeth then visit us at Katz & Madhok Orthodontics today where our expert team of specialists will be able to help you.


What types of treatment are available at the orthodontist?

There are a number of different types of alignment treatment that our orthodontist in Edgware will be able to offer you. A lot of people say that their self-esteem and self-confidence is affected by their crooked teeth and this is their main reason for wanting to have orthodontic work done to their teeth. Our orthodontist in Edgware will be able to explain that having misaligned teeth can also impact on your overall mouth and teeth health. People often do not realise, but this can sometimes lead to tooth decay and gum and bone issues. Therefore it is important that you visit our orthodontist in Edgware and discuss your individual needs and requirements.

The main types of treatment that are available to you are metal braces, ceramic/clear braces or Invisalign. Our orthodontist will be able to explain the pros and cons to you of each treatment and will then be able to discuss which option is most suitable for you personally.

How do metal braces work?

Metal braces are the most common form of realignment treatment that is used amongst children and young adults. Metal braces get attached onto the surface of your teeth and they align them by moving them slowly into position and correcting the shape of your bite. Metal braces also help to fix any overbites and realign the jaw. Usually metal brace treatment can take 12-18 months and sometimes even longer. This will depend on your individual circumstances and the extent of realignment and reshaping required. Once the braces are fixed to the surface of your teeth you will need to visit our orthodontist every 6 weeks where the braces will be checked and fitted and tightened as necessary.

Looking after metal braces

If you opt for metal braces it is important that you take care of them as advised by our orthodontist. This is because the metal braces are made of a very fine metal and can easily break. We see this often where patients come in within broken braces. Whilst this is quick to fix, being careless and breaking your braces will hinder the treatment process therefore it is essential that you take care when eating hard foods and avoid any type of food that needs you to crunch it. Also ensure that you keep your braces clean – hygiene is essential in the treatment process too. You should take care to clean the braces as well as your teeth.