
You can have perfectly straight teeth with Invisalign in Edgware

If you are someone who is living with misaligned or crooked teeth then you may also find yourself living with some level of discomfort within your mouth, along with poor oral hygiene standards that have left you susceptible to the risk of developing common oral health issues on a more frequent basis.

In recent years there have been great efforts made to raise awareness of the negative effects of having crooked teeth and how this then directly links into issues such as gum disease and tooth decay among the adult population of the United Kingdom, in the hope of encouraging wider engagement with tooth alignment treatment and dental services as a whole. This has now led to more adults living in the UK seeking to have their teeth aligned correctly and gaining marked improvements in the oral health and hygiene standards that they enjoy on a daily basis.

By having your teeth realigned you will be able to navigate around your mouth easier when using your toothbrush for your twice-daily cleaning, you will find that you will be able to clean your teeth and gums. Which will help to lessen the risks posed to your oral health from common dental issues and will improve your oral hygiene standards.

At Katz and Madhok Orthodontics we understand that there are many adults who are looking to undergo tooth alignment treatment but they have one main barrier in their minds that may prevent them from seeking treatment, as they are looking for a treatment that can deliver great results while being hidden from the eyes of others. For this reason, we can offer our adult patients with misaligned teeth treatment with Invisalign in Edgware.

A practically invisible treatment

One of the main advantages to you, as the patient, of Invisalign in Edgware is the way this treatment will look in your mouth when worn in your mouth, as it has the ability to almost look invisible when in place. This makes it a perfect treatment for those patients who are not keen on the idea of wearing metal and wire braces to align their teeth.

So now, you can have a treatment that will deliver the great results you are looking for with a treatment that you can keep totally private, as others should not be able to see the alignment device when you are wearing it.

A quick outline of your treatment

First, you will need to visit our dental practice for a consultation appointment, as this will give us the chance to examine your teeth and gums allowing us this assess your needs. At this appointment, we will take some scans and/or x-rays of your mouth and teeth to aid in the creation of a series of aligners that will make up your treatment.

During your treatment period, you should wear each aligner for around two weeks and then exchange it for the next in the series. You should be aware that your treatment may take between twelve and eighteen months to complete, at which point you will have those perfectly aligned teeth that you desire.

Change can happen

If you are looking to make a positive change that will help you to improve your oral health and hygiene standards then we believe that Invisalign in Edgware may be worth your consideration.Katz & Madhok Orthodontics is a specialist orthodontic practice located in North West London.